T.R.I.P. Order Form

All orders must be in by 8:00 AM on order dates.  The completed orders will be sent home with your child either on the Friday or Monday following the order date, depending when the orders come in.  Keep in mind that the more regular you are with certificate purchases, the more money you save!

Only ONE order form per family can be processed.  Friends and relative’s orders may be included in your order and your account will be credited.  You are responsible for the distribution of all certificates.  It is your responsibility to inform them how to use the certificates properly, and of any changes and updates that may occur.  Another option is to have friends and relatives set up their own account and still have the credit forwarded to you.  Orders must be brought to school in a sealed envelope and put in the TRIP box located in the school office.

All orders must be paid in full before they will be processed.  Please make checks payable to ICS TRIP.  Checks will be deposited on Tuesdays.  Incorrect addition totals will be adjusted as necessary.

A new order form will be attached to your filled order; please use the new form for your next order.

Trip Order Form