Angela Kuperus

I grew up in Iowa, attended Dordt College and got a degree in Elementary education. Nate and I were married after college and moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan. I taught middle school for 3 years at Borculo Christian School. When I moved to Ontario, Canada, I was pregnant with our oldest child, so I decided to stay at home. When our youngest of 4 children started preschool, I had the opportunity to get back into teaching. Our local christian school opened a new preschool, so I accepted a position to be a helper, teacher, and later supervisor of the program. It was an exciting challenge and such a blessing to see children grow physically and mentally, but also to come into our program and get their first experiences with Bible stories and stories of Jesus.

And now, I start a new challenge. It will be my continued prayer throughout the year that I can fill the students not only with knowledge from a textbook but also knowledge of their world and their awesome Creator! I want them to know the love that comes from God and the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross! I look forward to this school year and all that it brings!